Unity in Diversity

Beaneka coffee derived its name from the Indonesian national motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", which means "Unity in Diversity". In the spirit of supporting this idea, we partner with the local farmers at a fair price and shorten the supply chain to elevate equality.

We root ourselves to inspire a balance between coffee farmers' economic growth, environmental sustainability, and social well-being through
Indonesian specialty coffee.

  • Environmental Sustainability

    Our conversation with the coffee farmers revealed that irregular weather patterns significantly threaten coffee growth and production. A warmer climate will reduce the area suitable for growing coffee by up to 50% by 2050. Our dream is to bestow future generations a better earth by roasting our beans using an electric roaster and investing in compostable packaging. This leaves a better imprint on the environment while allowing coming generations to enjoy a good cup of coffee as much as we do!

  • Wayan Wirta, our partner farmer who grows Beaneka Bali Kintamani single-origin coffee showed us the impact of climate change on their coffee plants.

  • Farmers’ Economic Growth

    We’re invested in the economic mobility of our farmers and believe that preserving a better environment can sustain and grow their income. That’s why we invest in agricultural education and equip our farmers with the best practices to produce higher-quality coffee. To increase their income, we bypass the middlemen brokers by purchasing coffee directly from the smallholder farms at their price.

  • Social Well-being

    In the long run, we are committed to the environmental and social well-being of our farmers and their local community. By purchasing from us, you can help us move closer to contributing to the growth of their quality of life and continue to uplift the community. #UpliftingOrigins